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HighFlow News

Sunday, 27 December 2015
by HighFlow Shop

The latest news about our shop, products, specials etc. are posted here.
Follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter to get our updates the fastest way!

Review Winner March 2018

Sunday, 1 April 2018
by HighFlow Shop

Dear Visitor,

Every month we do a €25,- shop credit give away for our customers that write a review.

The winner of March 2018 is: John van der Molen.


You can read more about our monthly give away here.

Kind Regards,

Goede vrijdag en Pasen, geen verzendingen. Ontmoet ons tijdens TP16!

Wednesday, 28 March 2018
by HighFlow Shop

Beste bezoeker,

Op goede vrijdag (30 maart 2018) en maandag 2e paasdag (2 April 2018), worden er géén verzendingen gedaan en is onze klantenservice gesloten.

Dinsdag 3 April 2018 worden verzendingen weer gedaan en worden ook e-mails en bestellingen weer in behandeling genomen.

Heeft u technische vragen? Maak gebruik van ons forum!

We wensen u hele fijne feestdagen!

Aankomende weekend zijn wij met ons team aanwezig bij The Party 16!

Kom gezellig langs!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Review winner February 2018

Thursday, 1 March 2018
by HighFlow Shop

Dear Visitor,

Every month we do a €25,- shop credit give away for our customers that write a review.

The winner of February 2018 is: Ruben van Leusden.


You can read more about our monthly give away here.

Kind Regards,

HighFlow is weer van de partij op The Party 16

Tuesday, 27 February 2018
by HighFlow Shop

Vrijdag 30 maart tot en met zondag 1 April is het weer zover, de leukste LAN Party van de Benelux: The Party 16!

Ook dit jaar zijn wij weer aanwezig en sponsoren wij de competities op dit evenement.

Nieuwsbericht The Party:

Ook HighFlow is er weer bij tijdens het leukste gamingfeestje van de Benelux! Deze expert op het gebied van waterkoeling en casemodding is al jaren een bekend gezicht op The-Party, en ook dit jaar zijn ze weer aanwezig met een grote groep enthousiaste gamers en modders. Loop eens een keer langs bij HighFlow tijdens het evenement als je benieuwd bent naar wat je precies kan doen met waterkoeling in je computer of wilt zien wat voor toffe casemods zij deze keer bij zich hebben. Voor onze competitieve bezoekers neemt HighFlow mooie prijzen mee voor de winnaars van enkele van onze competities!

HighFlow zal onder andere de prijzen verzorgen voor de recent toegevoegde HighFlow Hearthstone Tavern Brawl funcompetitie. Ook de drie beste teams van de Legion League of Legends competitie mogen blij gemaakt worden met hardwareprijzen gesponsord door HighFlow. Als je nog niet al aan het oefenen was met je team dan is het daar nu zeker tijd voor! Daarnaast zijn er nog veel toffe waterkoelingkits te winnen dankzij HighFlow. Deze kitjes komen kant-en-klaar geleverd en zijn extreem toegankelijk voor zelfs de grootste computerleek zodat je dit zelf in je eigen computer kan installeren.

Zien we je in het weekend van 30 maart in Eindhoven?

Voor meer informatie over The Party:


Review winner January 2018

Thursday, 1 February 2018
by HighFlow Shop

Dear Visitor,

Every month we do a €25,- shop credit give away for our customers that write a review.

The winner of January 2018 is: Marcel Gramalla.


You can read more about our monthly give away here.

Kind Regards,

Pay with Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and Altcoin) at HighFlow

Sunday, 14 January 2018
by HighFlow Shop

Did you know that here at HighFlow, you can also pay with Bitcoin and Altcoins?
As modern webshop with a heart for innovation and technology, we like to support the cryptocurrency development.

At the checkout page, you can select your desired payment method under payment options.
Next to payment with iDEAL, PayPal and Bank Wire/Transfer, you can also choose for Bitcoin or Altcoin.

Do you want to pay with Bitcoin?
Then select Bitcoin and after placing your order, you will be forwarded to BitPay to complete the payment.

Do you want to pay with an Altcoin? (i.e. Ark, Dash, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Gulden, Litecoin, OK Cash, Ripple, Rise, Via, Zcash etc.)
Select Altcoin and write the name of the coin you want to pay with at the "comments" field at the bottom of the checkout page!
After you have placed your order, we will send you an e-mail with the total amount (exchange rate based on and our receiving address of that coin.
So you can complete the payment by sending the total amount of coins to our receiving address.


Buy or sell Bitcoins or Altcoins? Go to!


Or do you want to step up the game and trade crypto? Go i.e. to Binance.


Or go to KuCoin:
KuCoin Exchange



A safe wallet for your Bitcoins or Altcoins? Go for a Ledger Hardware Wallet!

Ledger Hardware Wallet


Or go for a Trezor Hardware Wallet!

Trezor Hardware Wallet

Review winner December 2017

Monday, 1 January 2018
by HighFlow Shop

Dear Visitor,

Every month we do a €25,- shop credit give away for our customers that write a review.

The winner of December 2017 is: Marko Mojsilovic.


You can read more about our monthly give away here.

Kind Regards,

Merry Christmas and the best wishes!

Thursday, 21 December 2017
by HighFlow Shop


During the holiday, opening hours are different:

We are closed during Christmas (Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 December 2018).
From Wednesday 27 December we are processing emails and orders as usual, but please give us time to catch up two days of work.

Monday 1 January 2018 no shipments.
From Tuesday 2 January 2018 we are processing emails and orders as usual again.


Till end of this year, we have some really nice offers, check it out before it's sold out:

Euroknallers, items voor 1 en 2 euro!


We wish you happy holidays and a lot of shopping fun at!


Kind Regards,

HighFlow @ Social Media:
HighFlow @ Facebook
HighFlow @ Twitter
HighFlow @ Forum


Review winner November 2017

Friday, 1 December 2017
by HighFlow Shop

Dear Visitor,

Every month we do a €25,- shop credit give away for our customers that write a review.

The winner of November 2017 is: Danny Ramgolam.


You can read more about our monthly give away here.

Kind Regards,

Review winner October 2017

Wednesday, 1 November 2017
by HighFlow Shop

Dear Visitor,

Every month we do a €25,- shop credit give away for our customers that write a review.

The winner of October 2017 is: Alan van Roggen.


You can read more about our monthly give away here.

Kind Regards,